Recent content by xXYourHeartIsMineXx

  1. xXYourHeartIsMineXx

    accepting Utau-related art requests

    That's perfectly fine thank you so much! I understand how you feel I can get that way about things sometimes too, but again that's great take as long as you like :3
  2. xXYourHeartIsMineXx

    accepting Utau-related art requests

    Hi! I know you are probably busy, but I would really like it if you could color my lineart if you'd be so kind. I don't need it right away since the bank isn't fully completed yet. Whenever you get a chance though if you're able to I'd appreciate this! Her info: Name: Aya Shojohi Style...
  3. xXYourHeartIsMineXx


    You guys! I need your help!You see, I'm making a voicebank and I already have a design and such made for it, BUT I can't color it properly in SAI because I'm very new to the program it took me lots of time just to get the linework done. If there are any other people that use the program and are...
  4. xXYourHeartIsMineXx

    U-Umm Hello everyone~! hehe :3

    Thank you! ^-^
  5. xXYourHeartIsMineXx

    U-Umm Hello everyone~! hehe :3

    H-Hello everybody! :crybuckets: I'm a bit new here. I really like UTAU and this seems like a nice site~! So I hope to feel a bit more at home here soon. I'm currently in the middle of voicing a new bank and hopefully she'll be done soon Although I usually take a long time with banks due to...