Two ECHO UTAU Covers in Finnish


Pronouns: He/him
Defender of Defoko
Sorry if I covered the same song twice and post in the same day: making UTAU singing in Finnish is so much work, no much any Finnish songs or pre-made USTs, so I decided to "recycle" my UST edits. I usually do NOT do this (at least not in this short time) but I really want use this VB at least once and like I stayed before making they sing in Finnish is SUPER time taking especially when lyrics need to be translated by my own and actually make sound decent, so forgive me this time?

Their phoneme tuning is slightly different because of a little different recording script, so it's not 100% an automatic plug-and-play (e.g. Lychee has "v va" "j ja" and "an -" while Aki has not and with him to imitate similar things, I need to use "u a" "i a" and add "n -" after "a n") plus every time when I edit pre-made UST on Synth and save it some notes becomes like has none length at all. Fixing that every single time when I open those heavily edited UST makes me really insane TBH, I wish that Synth would be updated that this bug fixed - it's really annoying!

But I hope that you guys can enjoy their voices!

Lychee's version:

Aki's version:

...also, happy birthday Aki!


My first thought was, this language sounds very intimidating pronunciation-wise, but I know that's only because I do not know it.
My second thought was, man, I sure wish I knew Finnish right now.
And my third thought, regardless of whether or not I understand it, it sounds cool to me, just like Japanese sounds cool to me.