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    【UTAU】 Love Story of a Certain Bakeneko 【Darach】

    【UTAU】 Love Story of a Certain Bakeneko 【Darach】 There he is. Finally pushed out a release, he probably still has a slight flaw here and there. OTL VB:
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    I have the cheese!

    I lassoo the cheese like a proper stereotypical cowboy and ride off on a horse. My cheese.
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    【UTAU】 Fennec 【Darach】

    【UTAU】 Fennec 【Darach】 Massive credit to UtauReni for just about everything apart from the art and voicebank. Lyrics are by EmpathP. So this is Darach. First voicebank, third song ever. He seems to work the best with folk-esque songs, and I'm pretty new to the scene. So if you have any...
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    Embarrassed to draw?

    Well, if you'd like, it might be a good idea to bring a small sketch or notebook along in your pocket. Carrying a small piece to draw on gives you the ability to do so wherever you like. Be it in public transport, just out at the park or in the middle of nowhere. Whenever you feel confident. I...
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    Crush a wish

    Granted, but it comes with a roof made especially for bumping your head into. I wish for a small parrot to sit on my shoulder. One that makes horrible comments. c:
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    Elderly UTAUs?

    I think it'd have a very key character if there are elderly voices around. Apart from fooling around, I can see why someone would use them for narrating or dramatic/history-esque songs. Can't help you though, I have no idea if there are any.
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    Good morning! Or afternoon/evening, depending where you're from. I'm Darach. Well, not really, but I'm sticking to that name for a bit. I'm an eighteen-year old bloke from the Netherlands. I've been into playing guitar and making music in general for a couple of years and then, with massive...