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  1. NinetH

    female Voicers for art

    well yeah, I made 2 new UTAUs and I am calling them My-Yuriloids this is the concept art of the two the left one holding a steel bat is Rinka Inumimi and the left one is Bunny Usamimi. Rinka is shy person and doesn't like crowds, she pretty much sticks with her friends or master. well yeah...
  2. NinetH

    Guys I'm sorry

    well yeah, lately i got depressed and I somehow turned crazy. I somehow got crazy in the chat and made the atmosphere bad. Anyway, I'm really sorry, I'll try to control my depression again. I might be in depression again the day after i post this. well anyway, I've calmed down thanks to...
  3. NinetH

    VOCA/UTAU art collab with everyone

    well yeah, for a long time now i want to do an art collab with someone regardless of skill. though i don't really know how to an art collab i'll just make some rules. back ground will be something like a stair way so that many characters can fit in,( like a school picture). you are free to...
  4. NinetH

    looking for partners or make a team

    I'm pretty much looking for a partner since I can't continue some of my projects by soloing My resolve(its quite speechy): so what I need for a partner: 1.Knows how to speak in japanese 2. Good at writing lyrics 3.Knows how to use UTAU this is what I can do: 1...
  5. NinetH

    my problem

    my confession [hr] doing this really calms me down [hr] and it helps me
  6. NinetH

    anyone up for shiritori

    anyone here knows how to play shiritori? "Shiritori (しりとり) is a Japanese word game in which the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word. No distinction is made between hiragana, katakana or kanji" from wikipedia for example: sakura - rajio...
  7. NinetH

    Looking for a good anime mmorpg

    I'm looking for a good anime mmorpg that has a unique gameplay(not like ragnarok, flyff, iris online) in english
  8. NinetH

    what you do when you are bored???

    What do you do when you are bored??? What i do when I am bored -annoy(the hell out of) my friends -google random things -look at new post -sleep -make useless posts man I'm bored
  9. NinetH

    please OTO my UTAU

    please help, I've been very desperate about this, I can't oto or rather I suck at it. please OTO them :crybuckets:,kno83o2u9z2i6tq/shared if there is some bad recording you can just skip them .
  10. NinetH

    I can't see my post T^T(RESOLVED)

    as the title says I can't see my post. I was replying to someone and after i posted it, it won't show but when I try replying and scroll down I can see my posts that are not shown but when I go back to my thread it isn't shown. T^T . this is my thread I was...
  11. NinetH

    Doing Art for CV oto

    I'm willing draw for otoing my UTAUs my art: VBs: latest ones Feza Kurotori: Kogoe Himetori...
  12. NinetH

    accepting Utau-related art requests

    Hello everyone who needs someone to draw for them. I accept requests for fun not for commissions or fame or for boasting. I accept so that I could learn while drawing various of request and drawing requests are fun ^^. this is my art: my DA:
  13. NinetH

    I will draw anything for oto

    I will draw anything you want me to draw so please oto my vb as for my art: you want a colored one I'll do my best) VB link: if you like these designs you can have them as your utau and if you want them colored i...
  14. NinetH

    Project Bird and Girl

    I have two unfinished original songs for my UTAUs without any vocals yet because i can't make japanese lyrics. That is why i need help in this project. This project is a story telling by songs like the "Story of evil "(daughter of evil , servant of evil , and etc.) and i also need more ideas...
  15. NinetH

    Nineth's Sketches

    i'm not really good at coloring so its just sketches at most and used a cp camera( broken scanner T_T) Im going to post more later if you like my sketches i can accept requests but only sketches (note: I'm lazy)
  16. NinetH

    I need help making some JP lyrics

    Im in trouble making lyrics for my song. I have already made the music and the lyrics is still incomplete so far I have only made the the first part. So i am looking for help or advice for making the lyric since i don't know how to speak JP. here is the first part. I don't really know if it...
  17. NinetH


    Hello everyone viewing this post. This is NinetH (read as 9 + et).I am a novice composer (lvl 2 or less). I am currently a new UTAU user. I have 2 UTAUs with VB and another 2 unfinished UTAU. I'm still new to the art of UTAU so I hope of you to teach me the way of an UTAU user and I hope of you...