A friend from traditional Japanese music suggestion to create a song


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Hello guys! A friend of mine wants to compose an original song (and he already composed the instrumental), but he said me he wants to use UTAU for it. Even if he is from traditional, the song is not traditional! The problem is he's blind like me. If there are people interested, who can help him with creating the UST and finding the proper UTAU, you can contact my friend from skype: nakamurahideie2003. Thank you so much and let me know when the song will be complete!


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
I'm not a UST maker or anything, but is there any way we can hear the instrumental? Or is that not allowed?


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Hello guys! A friend of mine wants to compose an original song (and he already composed the instrumental), but he said me he wants to use UTAU for it. Even if he is from traditional, the song is not traditional! The problem is he's blind like me. If there are people interested, who can help him with creating the UST and finding the proper UTAU, you can contact my friend from skype: nakamurahideie2003. Thank you so much and let me know when the song will be complete!
I'm not sure if I can post it. I think you (or Others) have to ask Hideie first