【Ami Tomodachi - Kaori Amai - Nozomi Kitsune - Equinox】 Onii Yuukai 【UTAU】


Ruko's Ruffians

"This will be our secret..."

After a few months, it's finally done! The UTAU chorus I've been working on for 5evr. This song was done with several members of the UTAU forum www.utaforum.net. I loved working with all of their UTAU!!

I'm so sorry if my videos are lame... I tried subtitles, buuuut they're kind of lame. :p I'm going to dig around for good video editors, so if you have any good recommendations, please let me know!!

deviantArt: http://rhuined-dream-eater.deviantart.com/art/Onii-Yuukai-UTAU-Chorus-519120228?ga_submit_new=10%3A1425933345

UST: NeeMiso
Art: Me
Mixing: Me
Video: Me
English Lyrics: KaiSuki

Ami Tomodachi: Seija-tachi
Kaori Amai: AmeKinoko
Nozomi Kitsune: OMGPingu
Equinox: fmccaddy12
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