Voicebank Bumei Shibyou

Inanimated sound UTAU with extra large vocal range


Pronouns: He/him
Defender of Defoko
Pupuomena submitted a new Showcase Item:

Bumei Shibyou

Name: Bumei Shibyou (in Japanese: 無鳴子猫)
Name meaning: “kitten (that) doesn’t cry”
Sex: male - maybe
Height: a length of your leg (small)
Weight: not da heavy?
Likes: playing instruments, music, milky way, pillow, sunny days
Dislikes: soap, being faceless, someone drawing an ugly face for him
Treasure: A horse toy called Maba/魔馬 (Maba means “demon horse”)
Birthday: 10 July 2017

Other: It is possible to wash his face away with a warm water and soap. When he’s faceless, anyone can draw a new face for him with any pen. He cannot eat nor drink, he can’t also speak. He uses telepathy to communicate, gets oxygen by his skin and absorbs sun energy to live.

Catch praise: “It’s Shibyou, not Koneko*!”

*子猫 is normally read as “koneko” but because 子猫 is a name it breaks normal reading rules and read as “Shibyou”. In Japanese Kanji can have multiple reading: it’s not rare to play with Kanji’s reading with (fictional) names.

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