I'll "canon" for ya' - ProjectROUGE "canon"


Ruko's Ruffians
This can be totally and completely discarded when it comes to my UTAU, personally I don't even use it and just do whatever I want. But I know some people like this stuff, so here it is copy-pasta'd from the wiki.

Wiki Page: http://utau.wikia.com/wiki/Category:ProjectROUGE

Order of creatiion: GRIS (in progress), ORANGE, JAUNE, VIOLETTE (Wiki page under development), ROUGE, BLEU, VERT, CAFE

Creator name: Nigel Birchfeild

VERT was not originally created by Nigel; He was originally intended to be a spy android however became conscious of this and escaped the government facility where he was being held. However, he over exerted himself and Nigel found him broken. Nigel took him home and re-furbished him, integrating him into his android family.

Apart from VERT , the other androids are being created as prototypes for a line or androids due to be released to the public, created by Nigel with the help of his development team (although apart from testing and some minor programming Nigel does most of the work it seems.) The androids live in his lab on the outskirts of the city.

Due to a programming glitch, after a certain length of time the androids begin to develop self awareness and a capacity for emotion. However, if left unchecked they will eventually descend into violence and break down. So far, ORANGE, ROUGE and VERT have displayed characteristics of this, though ROUGE and VERT are in earlier stages, while ORANGE is fairly far along. With the help of Ribu Oishiine and Josh Martin (non UTAU), Nigel is working to slow this process.

Ribu Oishiine is Nigel's nephew and apretence. He has two sisters, Hamu and Suteki (their father, who raised them after their mother went missing, was very excentric.) He met VERT at a company party, then had him enrolled in his school under the excuse of it being a good research opprotunity.

Sierra Birchfield in Ribu 's mother and Nigel's sister. She works for the agency which created VERT and is tasked with bringing him back at any cost. She is later killed by ROUGE and Josh Martin.

Josh Martin is ROUGE 's boyrfirend. He is the fifth child in a family of vampires. Despite being a daywalker, he spends most of his time indoors and often partakes in computer programming. He is later hired by Nigel. ROUGE has a tendency to display Yandere characteristics around him (due to the glitch) and often accompanies him on hunts, leading to his nickname for her: his "Blood Red Robot".

There's more but it gets very convoluted very quickly. My friend and I wrote out the entire thing, it's almost novel length. Yeah. Feel free to totally disregard it.


Momo's Minion
Veggy what is this

We all know Cafe is really a Jamaican coolant factory in a boyband
