Need Male/Female Voice :3


Momo's Minion
Alright need a Male/Female to voice act this gender-unknown UTAU of mine who is more or less an emotionless pyschopath who talks to cats more than people. I just need the basics like a, e, o, ect.

Let me give you a description:

Name: Sora Sato

Age: About 15 years old

Physical description: It's young face hides the pyschopathic identity behind it. It's eyes are big and amethyst that seem like it simply pierces through your skull. It's usually seen wearing a logo t-shirt and pants with a pocky in it's mouth.

Personality: You can't seem to tell what it's thinking because it never tells anyone it's true emotions. Though she can be very [extremely] violent and loves to laugh at gore in video games & such deep down inside she has a murderous monster just waiting to be unleashed.

Other: It's always seen with some type of food which indicates it eats a lot. It also has a pet cat named "Poki" who it seems to adore very much. Sometimes she's even seen playing multiple video games at a time.

As for the art:
It has short brown hair and amethyst eyes that looks like they could stare deeply into your soul, so in other words creepy and big looking eyes kind of like a doll. Her skin is Native American so a little more on the tanner side. She wears any type of t-shirt and pants and doesn't yet have an official design but drawing her just like that would be nice. :3~ Thanks!​


Momo's Minion
I would like to try out~ :'D


First is a scale in C4, with no flags of any kind on the first five notes, then g-5 on the next five. Second is a scale in C3, again with no flags on the first five notes, and then g+5 on the last five.

And for the art, can I have a reference for the type of haircut that Sora has, please? c':