Offering Sig Art & More For Some Stuff


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Hopefully in exchange for something off my little uh...wishlist, I guess? ; ^;

Seeing as I've already put a buttload of requests up and have to constantly revive them, I figured making a mass Trade thread with what I need and what I can offer would be most useful. So here I go, give me some time to set up and we can hopefully get down to business. c:

At the top of my list would be these things, and it would be very much appreciated if I get even one or two of them eventually. ; v;

MMD Model
Original Song
Artwork* (Signature & For covers)
Four voice actors (one for a male voice, three for female)
There may be more to this, but these are the basics for now.

What I can do for you:
All I need from you are the following:
Name of UTAUloid:
Color Scheme:
Design Ideas:
Chibi Image: It only works best with cheebs, anyway.

.Mix media, here is an example.
.Make videos with Sony Vegas. Best example so far:
【UTAUカバー】Matryoshka【Yuumei & Akira】
.Animate (Mainly pictures, most things I would need the frames for. Depending.)
.Create a blog/Website for your UTAU: Sample
.Advertise for you
.Use your UTAU and upload it to Youtube, Vimeo AND Soundcloud
.Draw for you..I do art that's alright, but not up to par with my expectations for my own UTAU. >_< Design Art Example, Digital Example
*Note: Digital art won't be shaded. I can't shade. :c You have permission to look for someone who can, though.