【UTAU RELEASE】Sashoune Yura VCV 2015【詐称音ユラ連続音2015】


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko

Maybe posting it here too will help with views lol

(this is all of the components listed in the video; should someone need only parts of it, please message me!)

The songs featured in the demo medley will be released with full videos in the future!

Other UTAUloids used:
Manrine Riku
Kumone Jakuon
Giga Lakan
Hikari Tsuki
Hibiki Shinji

To be honest, this voicebank was recorded a long time ago; but then school came and work came and a whole lot of stuff...but I am glad to finalyl be able to release this!
As always, I am almost certain that I've forgotten to write or pack something into this that will come to haunt me later on...

Differences to previous voicebanks:

Of course, this one differs highly in microphone quality! The last released voicebank (Yura's Strong VCV, which I just kind of let out over tumblr since I had this one already recorded before it oculd even be released) was recorded on a budget microphone, whereas for this one I've had my Sennheiser PC320.
Compared to the Strong VCV, this one is softer, but at the same time more solid than the old VCV2.
Another thing to note is that I've switched from recording full VCV to lite VCV with what I like to call extras (EX folders); basically, my voicebanks now consist of the folders CV, VCV, EX which is glottal stops, fade-outs, breaths and whatnot and EX2, which is an extension to achieve full VCV. SInce I'm not sure who'd be interested in a partial pack, I'll be releasing al of them as one for the time being!


credits for .usts, original music and else is listed in the video. Please notify me should I have forgotten something!
I have also used all the original artwork provided for featured UTAUloids, so I take no credit for those!