【UTAU RELEASE】詐称音ユラ2016ささやき【Sashoune Yura 2016 Sasayaki】


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko

So like, last thursday was Yura's 7th anniversary, figures I'd have to do SOMETHING this year, after not having done anything for it the last two years.

So let's celebrate by releasing her first real but technically second append! (I do not like to call it append but what else am I gonna call it right?)

Yura's standard voice is rather soft in of itself, but you can always go softer, which was what I had in mind for this. It is also to note that said softness in the standard is dwindling within the new 2016 VB, which will be released towards the end of the year I think.
Yura 2016 is used alongside Yura 2016 Sasayaki in one of the demo songs in this video!

All credits are already in the video (unless I'm a doofus again and forgot something which I always do oops)

DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6eoe2ne77bpqqpp/詐称音ユラ2016ささやき.rar