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Beat Eater (English Cover + PV) [Shizu Sogone VCCV English]

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Feb 19, 2022 at 6:12 AM
Posted by aplusod
Original song by Police Piccadilly (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rcc_BreWEMI)
Art, Video, and Translyrics by me (aplusod)
Translation ref: Hiraethie, Violet
I've posted the lyrics on my translyric blog: https://translyrical.wordpress.com/2021/10/31/beat-eater/

The PV is heavily based on/referenced from the proseka PV, which was done by omu. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaWbq6KeJq4)
Obviously, there are lots of changes because there's only one character, and also I wanted to try some stuff out. But when I first saw that PV, I wanted to try to imitate it. I figured a good way to do that was to make an English cover of the song, since that's something I've been enjoying doing lately. I don't have a ton of experience timing animation to music, so I figured this was also good practice.
I could probably spend, like, several more days just nitpicking small details and tweaking things, but since this is a personal project that I'm not getting paid for (and it's not going in my portfolio or anything), I wanted to get this done so I could work on something else.

For what it's worth, the animating alone for this took about 20 hours spread over 2-3 days. I was very motivated to get this done. On the other hand, I've had the main illustration and cover stuck in WIP limbo since October... so... I don't have a very accurate sense of how long everything took altogether this time. Anyhow, I was a lot more interested in making a video for this cover than making a cover, so I hope it's not too much of an assault on your ears...;;

Anyway, thanks for watching! A lot of work went into this one, and I hope you enjoy watching it.
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