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『Haruka Nana』Circus Monster 『Open UTAU Cover』

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Oct 29, 2021 at 8:26 AM
Posted by KagamiPagami
Hi, this is a remake of a cover I did way back in 2015. I decided to re-do because now we have so much tech that really livened up the quality of UTAU in general. I've always been pretty loyal to UTAU but I had to try out a new open source version called OpenUTAU. So far, I think it's AMAZINGGGGG I'm like 90% ready to make the switch. I used Nana's softer voicebank for this cover, but of course I had to add those iconic growls!
Original: Circus-P
UST: NeeMiSo
Mix + Tuning: kagamipagami
Resampler: fresamp12
Background Video: Josu Relax
Haruka Nana // Confetto
✿Try OpenUTAU: [https://github.com/stakira/OpenUtau]
★Aida Cloud: [https://kagamipagami.wixsite.com/aida-cloud]
★UTAU Square: https://utau-synth.boards.net/user/80
★Twitter: [https://twitter.com/kagamipagami]
★Soundcloud: [https://soundcloud.com/kagamipagami]
★Nico Video: [https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/50163291]
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