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【Shishiza Hiro English】 medicine 【UTAU Cover】 +USTX

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Apr 22, 2023 at 3:46 AM
Posted by aphelionic
original: https://youtu.be/MocF43ncu8I
ustx by me (DL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QFf7fW2AA79CqnPb0cuh4n4B3P2PS5y2/view?usp=share_link)
Shishiza Hiro by ParanoidKitsune
tuning/art/mix/video by me

my first venture into utau english…!! the phonemizers in openutau make it so much easier :D i wish there was a way to export ust with phonemes instead of the actual notes though. also my first time trying to do a more animated lyric video for this…! i’m aware it looks very amateurish and it was a lot of work so im not sure if ill ever do it again, but it was super fun and definitely more interesting to look at haha

comments, tips and feedback are appreciated! thank you for listening to my cover ☆
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