Recent content by Koolit

  1. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Amagaku: 4 (-1) leil: 22 (+1) Sachi Eika: 9 B3: 12 Tohne Nilla: 3
  2. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Spring Crocus: 10 OTOME: 10 Haruka Nana: 11 (+1) Megane Gako: 9 (-1) Scribble-chan: 10 Tsuchine Zumo: 10
  3. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    laughs, pand there were moments where we were sort of against each other LIKE YOU HITTING LARU. But I suppose he would have had to go for Kazuko sooner or later v 3v
  4. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 1 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 88 (+1)
  5. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 3 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 86 (+1)
  6. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 5 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 84 (+1)
  7. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 8 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 81 (+1)
  8. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 10 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 79 (+1)
  9. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 12 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 77 (+1)
  10. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 14 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 75 (+1)
  11. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 18 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 71 (+1)
  12. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 20 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 69 (+1) Yeeh, more backup!
  13. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 24 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 65 (+1)
  14. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 26 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 63 (+1)
  15. Koolit

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Minarai Mona: 28 (-1) Yonagine Kazuko: 61 (+1)