Strange Metallic Sound with Mawarine Shuu


Momo's Minion
(Just realised there was a help section, so i'm reposting this here.) Firstly, I would like to say that I am a complete and utter noob to UTAU.

I am moderately familiar with Vocaloid 4 Editor, so I do understand the basics of UTAU. (I have also switched my system locale to Japan, so everything is working fine)

I've recently downloaded Mawarine Shuu's vb, (because like everyone, I listened to kyaami's cover of Rolling Girl and was amazed) I loaded him up into UTAU, but when trying him out, both with a UST and random notes, he produces this strange metallic grating sound. It seems that i'm not the only one with this issue, as someone on Disquis mentioned something similar. Both his regular and falsetto voice bank does this.

Here, I uploaded an example of what he sounds like:

His oto is in his folder, and has been untouched, so I don't believe its that.

I haven't had this problem with any other UTAU, this is unique to Shuu.

Someone suggested bringing his BRE to 0 and using a certain type of flag, which unfortunately did nothing. I'm currently regenrating his Frq list to see if that does anything.

Edit: Didn't change anything, unfortunately.

I'm unsure if i'm simply doing something wrong, or if the files where corrupted in the download/unzipping process.

If someone could help, it would be greatly appreciated:smile:
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Mougeki Mero

Defoko's Slaves
Defender of Defoko
Which resampler are you using? I remember I had a similar problem a few years ago with Akune Kin, and it was just that for some reason "tips.exe" wasn't working well with her. Could it be the case?


Momo's Minion
I have the same problem too which is a shame because I was looking forward to using his unique voice.
Can anyone pls help?? It kinda sounds similar to Defoko's voice.


Momo's Minion
is it about the end breaths? if so his end breaths each have seperate symbols that represent it... well im talking to a dead thread wtf can i do to help lmao but anyways. what u are hearing is his end breath for ex: e R for the voicebank he has three sets of end breathes and the "e R" one is used for his whisper CVVC then next we have the normal end breathes "x R息" which is a calm and normal end breathe... Next is the end breathe with inhale which is "x R吸" and its basically about not knowing how to use his end breathes lol... goodluck everypeeps. and thanks for taking the time to read my late comment to a dead thread...
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