Goth's Seven Deadly Sins/Heavenly Virtues Project!


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
I had this idea at random, to make voicebanks based off of the Seven Sins and Virtues!
I'll be working on this soon!
They will all be as natural as possible (that is, with my own voice and pronunciation), and without a design. :3
Unfortunately (well, I don't know about that) they'll all be private, at least for now. ;3

They will all be tripitch CV, each voice representing their Sin/Virtue!
This is what I have in mind:

- Chastity: a bright, kinda emotionless voice, medium high, medium strength Finished! demo
- Kindness: a high, soft, happy voice, medium strength
- Charity: a powerful, high voice, happy
- Patience: a graceful voice, medium strength
- Humility: bright, whispery, happy
- Temperance: falsetto-thing, like IA ROCKS, high and graceful
- Diligence: energetic, playful, medium strength

- Wrath: powerful, kinda pissed, deep, shouting
- Pride: powerful, amused, deep
- Sloth: weak, dark, medium low
- Greed: tiny voice, stubborn, tsundere, pissed, deep
- Lust: sexy (pffft as if I can), medium deep, medium strength
- Envy: loud, bouncy(?), whatever I can think of xD
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