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Simple Romaji CV Japanese Reclist

Single Reclist Simple Romaji CV Japanese Reclist v4

This reclist had several updates so it might be shocking that it says "v4" right on the upload date lol

Last Update 27/01/2025​


How to Download + Use​

Just click the Download button at the right of this page. It's a .txt file, ready for Oremo or Recstar.
Does not include breaths or oto, tough there are some notes on phonemes below.
The reclist should be easy to understand and read, all phonemes are like japanese (with the exceptions below wich can be fully optional).

Reclist includes basic phonemes + some more just in case some UST/songs require phonemes.


Phoneme guide​

All phonemes are written in romaji and are very self-explanatory, however some extras can be a bit tricky.
All pronunciation is like japanese except the following phonemes.

Extra / Optional Phonemes​

You can take these out of the reclist easily if you don't need/want them.
They're mostly to add easier language capabilities and more expression.

✦ la, le, li... :

The very same as your average "la" but with the Japanese vowels

✦ lya, lye, lyo... :

Like "rya" but with an L instead of R

✦ lwa, lwe, lwi... :

(English L's) A more heavily English-accented sound, the vowels also have accent instead of being 100% Japanese accurate

✦ rra, rre, rri... :

Rolled R's

✦ rwa, rwe, rwi... :

Same as "lwa" but with R phonemes instead (English R's)

✦ va, ve, vi... :

Softer versions of "ba", for words like "love" that often appear in songs


If someone needs a base oto or a tutorial I will provide one.
About credit and edits of the reclist, you're free to modify the reclist as long as you put something like "based on Nexys4t's reclist" or stuff. I don't care much if you don't credit me. Just don't use it and claim you made it, it's the only thing I ask for
First release
Last update
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