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Search results

  1. SLIME9

    【UTAUカバー】バーバヤーガ/Baba Yaga 【閨都/奏音トモ】

    Song I only saw one cover of on youtube!!
  2. SLIME9

    【UTAUカバー】絶対敵対/Unfriendly Hater 【ゲキヤク/葛駄楼】

    Got better tuning after my hiatus <3 I hope you guys like it!
  3. SLIME9

    How to make a VCV Japanese VB?

    I believe OREMO has one! It's caaallled...uh "reclist-renzoku-NHP". Other one is very incomplete aka the other named reclist-renzoku-単独音を併用する必要用. If not there's a lot of DeviantArt reclists! like this one https://www.deviantart.com/utauruecross/art/Japanese-7-Mora-VCV-Reclist-606991244
  4. SLIME9

    My UTAU won't sing [jinriki character port!]

    I am making a Robo-KY voicebank for my non utau loving friend who's been obsessing over a robo-ky ego rock cover. I tried everything, I tried oto'ing it and making sure everything's in place but all it plays is silence with a small little thump. [like hitting a microphone] I tried the same...
  5. SLIME9

    Does anyone have maybeee like a file of KonoFader or something?

    I barely noticed that Konofader's links lead to a Non-existing niconico channel! Does anyone know where I can download it? Like a mirrored link or something?
  6. SLIME9

    【UTAUカバー】 鉄の処女と夢見がちなお姫さま/Iron Maiden and The Dreamy Princess 【パペデク Ft.クグツシ】

    finally something to fit my mixing style! but I was very lazy to correctly fit the lyrics with the song in the first part and you can hear it. My laziness apologizes. But I used Papedeku for this! plus Kugutsushi. PS for anyone who wants to use the UST from zoe. The "yaaaaaa" vocal at the...
  7. SLIME9

    Designs for my utaus!

    It's actually a girl!
  8. SLIME9

    Adding an icon to a utau/adding japanese name.

    new problem unfortunately. Idk if I'm doing this right.
  9. SLIME9

    Adding an icon to a utau/adding japanese name.

    it is a txt file actually. The name is there and everything but the .bmp is the only thing that isn't there and yes I believe it's in there in the root folder.
  10. SLIME9

    Adding an icon to a utau/adding japanese name.

    everything's in order , even the bmp icon. Exactly 100x100 but it still won't load.
  11. SLIME9

    Adding an icon to a utau/adding japanese name.

    I tried everything other forums explained but it still wont show up. help? I have a new problem unfortunately that involves making a utau. Everytime i attempt put her name in Japanese or her README file in Japanese, it comes out as gibberish. Can someone help me? every other utau I have that...
  12. SLIME9

    Help with mxing on Mixpad.

    Any tips on mixing the vocals well on mixpad? I use too much echo and it sucks because it doesn't sound nice and smooth. I can only do really good back vocals when it needs echoes or distorted lyrics etc.
  13. SLIME9

    UTAU Colors

    thanks for inspiring me to make a few of my own! I love how these came out, keep up the good work.
  14. SLIME9

    Inspired to do my own UTAU colors.

    Thanks so much for inspiring me [you know who you are] Feel free to use them. Also if you want certain theme just shoot me a comment! COLOR_PIANO1=&HF4F1D4 COLOR_PIANO2=&H5E4405 COLOR_ROLL1=&HE0D4B1 COLOR_ROLL2=&HEFECDA COLOR_SEPA1=&H733B00 COLOR_SEPA2=&HB49A18 COLOR_BACK=&HBAA070...
  15. SLIME9

    Breath sound problem

    for me it doesn't play at all.
  16. SLIME9

    Designs for my utaus!

    I've been working on them for a while and this is what I got so far. Bottom one is based off of my friend, so he's gonna be his voice provider. Still debating on their names.
  17. SLIME9

    Explain to me how to install plugins.

    I wanna make sure I'm doing it right because I tried so many tutorials.