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Search results

  1. Akriel

    Project Olympus - Let's ascend Utauloid to another level!

    OHHH this sounds so fuunn!! I'd love to participate in the learning spot! ovo
  2. Akriel

    Voicebank Kiki Sagawa

  3. Akriel

    A problem with Consonant velocity

    What UTAU are you using? It does sound like an STP issue but maybe it might be oto.ni too?
  4. Akriel

    Many UTAUs Needed For Medley!

    Can I snag Alien Alien with my baby Akriel? ovo Here's his forum! He currently only has CV, VCV, and a Deepvocal! (Please use g-4 flag for Akriel's VCV!) And here's an image! Credit to Partialkakera for it please!
  5. Akriel

    【TYPE-A - UTAUカバー 】『Snow Fairy Story』UtaForm Secret Santa *.+

    EEEEEEE no you!!!!! QAQ I'm love and care you too oh so very much!!!
  6. Akriel

    【TYPE-A - UTAUカバー 】『Snow Fairy Story』UtaForm Secret Santa *.+

    For you, @partial! My bestest friend ever!! How ironic is it that you're my gifter? I hope you like it!
  7. Akriel

    UTAForum Secret Santa 2019

    Goodness I'm gonna be here for a while.-
  8. Akriel

    UTAForum Secret Santa 2019

    You're more than welcome!! My video is actually done, however it's going to take a LONG while to render, so it'll be up tomorrow for sure!!
  9. Akriel

    UTAForum Secret Santa 2019

    EEHHHH December was a hecktic month for me so...I'm still working on my part... I promise it'll be done as soon as it possibly can be...... I'm so sorry. ;;;;;;
  10. Akriel

    Akriel VCV - Merry Christmas, My Hero

    WUAUHWAUIHWAUIHSUIAHDUIASHDIUQWH!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! CRIES LONG TIME!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I SAW THIS WAY TOO LATE FOR MY LIKING THANK YOU SO MUCH I cry long time........I-I'm still....working......on my part....... This is so amazing my heart has been snatched
  11. Akriel

    UTAForum Secret Santa 2019

    Your Name: AngelicAkriel / Eros UTAU(s) Name: Akriel & Pepto Voicebank Type(s): Akriel has CV & VCV, Pepto is just VCV! Voicebank Website or Showcase Page (must include download link): https://utaforum.net/showcase/akriel.752/ Akriel https://utaforum.net/showcase/pepto.821/ Pepto Both have a DL...
  12. Akriel

    I'm new around here...

    I don't know too much about oto'ing, but I'm more than happy to take a look at it for you! Sometimes the oto isn't always the issue! Welcome to the forums by the way! ♪(´▽`)
  13. Akriel

    Can You Replace Your UTAU Voicer with Another Voicer?

    I wholeheartedly agree with Viran's post. Your characters are your characters. You do whatever you feel is right for your characters, you don't need to find a voice extremely similar! If you need a new voicer, you're free to ask me to voice! I'm more than willing to help!
  14. Akriel

    Kazehiki Konundrum

    Which voicebank specifically are you using? Make sure the VB you're using is CV if you're converting your ust to CV!
  15. Akriel

    Open Need VCV utaus that will sound good with my utau!

    You're free to take a look at my two boys Akriel and Pepto! Akriel VCV Sample ! Pepto Sample !
  16. Akriel

    What do you have in common with your UTAU?

    Since I now have 2 utaus, I'll do both!! Akriel and I have a lot in common, so I'll just list a few! Akriel Me and Akriel both really like pink! We also really really really like spicy food We have similar heart problems, his are just worse! He loves video games as much as I do! League of...
  17. Akriel

    Reviving UtaForum

    All of these are really amazing suggestions! I'd love to get to know the people of this forum better, I met one of my bestest friends on this forum, so I see so much potential into reviving it! I love the idea of a Halloween collaboration, a way to bring in users to celebrate (not literally...
  18. Akriel

    The last person to post in this thread wins.

    You should! It's extremely fun...
  19. Akriel

    Count to 20,000

  20. Akriel

    The last person to post in this thread wins.

    !!!!!!!!!!! Do you play on void?