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Search results

  1. minion

    [UTAUカバー] Alien Alien [Ryuji Shikamoto]

  2. minion

    Isnt Kasane Teto adorable? I love Teto~!

    Isnt Kasane Teto adorable? I love Teto~!
  3. minion

    Original [Vocaloid Original] また会えたい feat. Megurine Luka (巡音ルカ)

    Omgf!!! I love this song,I love your tuning too! Hehe,You have all my support :wink:
  4. minion

    What have you been playing lately?

    I have been playing Danganronpa,Norn9 and Bad Apple wars (all of this games are visual novels)
  5. minion

    Cover Kagamine Rin - Patchwork Staccato

    So cute! :3
  6. minion

    Any obscure/underrated UTAU you like/wish they got more attention?

    Hmmmm Oh I just discovered a Utau called Makne Riri is very cool and her vb contains vocal fry Also she haves a very cute desing (she is vccv) ^^ And this vipperloid called Scott Scott is a very underrated vipperloid I love his desing and voice for some reason I searched about this Utau and he...
  7. minion

    i cant find a romaji yokune ruko vb download :(

    I Converted the Ruko VB to romaji it contains a weak ruko voice and the continuous sound voice it also contains some voice samples like ruko talking xD Here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3hpu798z1ts9z7s/Ruko_Lite_ROMAJI.rar/file (If the file haves problems tell me) Also sorry for...
  8. minion

    i cant find a romaji yokune ruko vb download :(

    But I found a Hiragana to Romaji Voicebank converter here:
  9. minion

    i cant find a romaji yokune ruko vb download :(

    Hmmm Ruko doesnt have a Romaji vb But Ruko haves Hiragana Voicebanks,Sorry
  10. minion

    Help with making a japanese UST to an english UST

    I want to translate it to english ;; Thank you!
  11. minion

    Yowa Shion and Makune Hachi

    Thank you all for responding :D!
  12. minion

    Help with making a japanese UST to an english UST

    Hi! I dont know how to make an japanese ust to an english ust I dont rlly understand how to transform Japonese Phonemes to english phonemes Is there a plugin for that? :/
  13. minion

    Yowa Shion and Makune Hachi

    Since those UTAUS are discontinued I was thinking...People still haves their Voicebanks? A friend sended me the ACUTE Hachi VB and I downloaded the Yowa vb from a website called VocaloUtau,But if someone still haves those Voicebanks and make covers with it,Is that okay? Srry for bad english lol
  14. minion

    Critique Requested Deja Vu - FROST & Aino Erufu Arpasing

    I love this cover! I think that FROST haves a very clear english!! :sing:
  15. minion

    Throw me some Creepy USTs to cover!!!

    I dont really know scary songs but i like this one lol
  16. minion

    Does anyone haves the Kurumi Ponchio UST?

    The NND account that haves the Kurumi Ponchio UST doesnt haves the link for the UST anymore heellllppp (I love this song is so catchy lol)
  17. minion

    Everyone's top 5 favorite songs right now

    -Melancholic by Junky Drop Pop Candy by GIGA and REOL i think xD Machine Gun by KIRA Games by KIRA Ready by Anh Duy Those are my favorite songs lol
  18. minion

    Another coverrrr

    This is a cover using Miku V3 Solid voicebank with my favorite Nikki songgg!!!! Tell me what do you think pleaaaseee! :sing: