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Search results

  1. partial

    UTAU doesn't accept any resampler other than default ones

    Just to double check and be sure, are you using USTs that are the correct format for your voicebanks?
  2. partial

    teto's whisper voicebank not working properly.

    Ah, sorry. What I meant was can you select just one individual note, and then hit CTRL G? If it doesn't bring up a box similar to this then there's something wrong. Try moving the voicebank folder to another location such as Desktop as well.
  3. partial

    teto's whisper voicebank not working properly.

    Can you please post a screencap of a UST you're having issues with as well as the voicebank settings window (Tools(T) > Voicebank Settings(S))
  4. partial

    UTAU doesn't accept any resampler other than default ones

    Where do you have UTAU installed to? If it's in Program Files or somewhere similar, try moving the whole folder to Documents or your Desktop and see if that helps. EDIT: I just saw in your opening post. Nevermind on that front. Do no voicebanks work with other resamplers, or is it a specific one?
  5. partial

    Teto Sakebi not working?

    Could you please screencap the window you see when you have Teto as your singer and go to Tools(T) > Voicebank Settings(S)?
  6. partial

    UTAU doesn't accept any resampler other than default ones

    Try double checking your decimal settings. Control Panel > Clock and Region > Region > Additional Settings Put a period in the box. Even if it looks like a period, I'd delete it and type it out again just to be sure.
  7. partial

    How to use utau that has multiple modes

    Multi-expression banks can be a bit difficult to get started with because sometimes they're set up to work together and other times they're not. Can we see screenshots of the oto file, the ust in utau itself, and the folder structure of the voicebank you're using?
  8. partial

    UTAU wont read MIDI files properly

    While I agree with what Kiyoteru said above, you can fix your current MIDI in UTAU by going all the way to the start of your project, as far left as you can go, right-clicking the tempo and deleting it, and then re-entering the tempo in the tempo box.
  9. partial

    Can’t believe I’ve been into vocalsynth for 10+ years now…. Once you’re here, you’re here for life!

    Can’t believe I’ve been into vocalsynth for 10+ years now…. Once you’re here, you’re here for life!
  10. partial


    Welcome to UTAforum! UTAU has been around much, much longer than Friday Night Funkin (I’m assuming that’s what FNF means, eheh)! Welcome to the world of UTAU, I hope you really get into it and enjoy it!
  11. partial

    Looking for lolita/ouji fashioned UTAUs!

    I do not know if frilly maid outfits are officially seen as lolita by definition, but by my standards yes!
  12. partial

    Looking for lolita/ouji fashioned UTAUs!

    Lolita/ouji is my favorite genre of fashion despite not personally wearing the stuff myself. I've noticed UTAU designs that fit into this category tend to be few and far between, and I am more interested in boy-style/ouji/kodona than classic lolita but I will take anything, so if you've got an...
  13. partial

    notes missing after rendering the .wav file

    Check the oto file. If you don't have anything in there aliased with whatever is in the lyrics of the notes that aren't playing, no sound will play back because UTAU won't have any source sound to call from. For example... here, our selected note has あ as its lyric, but there is no wav file in...
  14. partial

    oh boy, a thread asking for aviutl help

    I can back up my aviutl and dm a link to you if you'd like. I haven't downloaded it from videohelp in quite some time so I don't know how common the error you're getting is. edit: i'm just gonna go ahead and shoot you a pm with the link since i tend to come and go at random. it is version 1.14!
  15. partial

    Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (but it's pretty bad)

    YooOOOOO this is super cool! Umineko is something incredibly special to me, I'm so glad to hear this! It's really gorgeous!
  16. partial

    Voicebank TYPO

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item TYPO. Please add to the discussion here.
  17. TYPO


    A demon of love who grants wishes to both humans and nonhumans. EXTRACTION PASSWORD: writer
  18. partial

    Voicebank Type A [Deleted]

    This item has been removed.
  19. partial

    Hi everyone~

    Welcome to the forums! It's nice to see new people here.
  20. partial

    dang uf look really good!

    dang uf look really good!