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Search results

  1. Nohkara

    Resource Chinese Rentan-style CV reclist + base oto.ini ver 1.1

    If you're looking after Chinese CVVC reclist, please visit this website for Hr. J style reclist (this is not a reclist of mine but it is made by a native Chinese speaker, so I highly recommend checking it out! ) URL is here: https://utaujc.jimdofree.com/hr-j-cvvc/
  2. Nohkara

    Resource Chinese CV+VV reclist with base oto.ini ver 1.1

    If you're looking after Chinese CVVC reclist, please visit this website for Hr. J style reclist (this is not a reclist of mine but it is made by a native Chinese speaker, so I highly recommend checking it out! ) URL is here: https://utaujc.jimdofree.com/hr-j-cvvc/
  3. Nohkara

    If you're looking for Spanish reclist, please search "nJokis reclist". If you're looking for a...

    If you're looking for Spanish reclist, please search "nJokis reclist". If you're looking for a Chinese CVVC reclist, please check out this site: https://utaujc.jimdofree.com/hr-j-cvvc/
  4. Nohkara

    I log in back just to delete old and outdated resources that I have either no time to update or...

    I log in back just to delete old and outdated resources that I have either no time to update or there's better alternative available made by other users. Sorry for inconvenience!
  5. Nohkara

    Resource Spanish VCV (Pupu's version) [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  6. Nohkara

    Resource Xingtuxue style CVVChinese + base oto.ini [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  7. Nohkara

    Resource Spanish CV+ reclist with base oto.ini [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  8. Nohkara

    Resource Japanese CV + Museion [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  9. Nohkara

    Resource Finnish CV+ [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  10. Nohkara

    Updating Old UTAU Tools

    Sounds like a plan! I agree that not all tools need multiple versions. I think that it’s great to have reclist/oto-generator as a web app, will look forward to that~
  11. Nohkara

    Updating Old UTAU Tools

    As Mac OS user, I would appreciate either web or offline version to be available. (Every Mac user doesn’t have an emulator or an older OS installed that can run wine) But for a Win user, having them made as either SetParam or UTAU plug-in would be probably the best. I don’t know how much time...
  12. Nohkara

    Closed "EGO" UTAU Chorus Recruitment

    Name you prefer to go by: Nohkara Preferred social media link (can be anything): @nohkara on Twitter Name of your UTAU: Lychee Voice bank type (CV, CVC, etc.): VCV Link to UTAU voice bank download (or link to UTAU showcase): https://utaforum.net/showcase/lychee.256/ Picture of UTAU (transparent...
  13. Nohkara

    strong/loud/kire male voicebanks

    Utayume Kana male
  14. Nohkara

    Looking for lolita/ouji fashioned UTAUs!

    In that case, here's my UTAU that wears maid outfit https://utaforum.net/showcase/stellastara.923/
  15. Nohkara

    Looking for lolita/ouji fashioned UTAUs!

    My character Toka Aki’s DeepVocal design is Ouji themed (his UTAU design not so). Are maid outfits counted as “Lolita” if has lots of frills and details?
  16. Nohkara

    What makes a bad UTAU cover?

    I agree with the previous messages that vocals being very off time, key or tempo are subjectively considered bad. I would add that personally I think that the voice type and it’s vocal range should fit somewhat with the song genre and range as well. Like human singing voices, each UTAU have an...
  17. Nohkara

    My first UTAU original song

    Hi! I written my first UTAU original song, 3rd original song composed by me overall. I tried to make Mine Laru to sing in Finnish and he was surprisingly good at it. The song’s name is “Vesihiisi”. Please turn on closed captions [CC] to find English translation: I’m sharing unedited MIDI...
  18. Nohkara

    Any recommendation on voicebanks (JP,ENG or other)?

    If you want to try out and experience something new, I would recommend Mine Laru’s CVVC which is X-SAMPA encoded and has phonemes for Japanese and English, although it lacks many English consonant clusters and phoneme /r/ is not pronounced like in English but as trilled (“rr” in Spanish). His...
  19. Nohkara

    How to I get rid of pitchbending on Mac?

    What do you mean by “rig off pitchbending”? When and where does it occur? Can you show us an example like screenshot, thank you
  20. Nohkara

    Utau or DeepVocal

    I think that if you’re already familiar with Vocaloid’s work flow that DV is better option from UI and user perspective. However, from sounding vice, I prefer UTAU. UTAU is less restrictive how you can build and use custom VB than DV and for now, as I’m writing this in 2021, UTAU has lesser...