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Search results

  1. redwolf21

    [UTAU 2nd Anniversary] sigh [Kandakai Keiko]

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy9l21S7kxw&feature=youtu.be I can't believe it's been two years since her very first voice bank release.... I hope you guys enjoy~ Happy birthday/anniversary Keiko!
  2. redwolf21

    [ACT 2 RELEASE] Strobe Last [Kandakai Keiko]

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk2G-UiKqx0 I hope you like her new voicebank~ It took me forever to release it haha, but now I'm finally done.
  3. redwolf21

    Help with Compariosn of ACT 1.1 and ACT 2

    Okay, thank you so much! I always struggle with the green line ehehehe. Would you be able to look at my oto? I've never had another opinion on it And I've always noticed my T's sound weird. And with some of the O's I know I tried to make it sound like the "toe" sound, but I'm sure along...
  4. redwolf21

    Help with Compariosn of ACT 1.1 and ACT 2

    Thank you for the advice ^^ For what you guys said I could improve on... 1. For the oto, is there anything you can tell that needs to be worked on? What makes it sound like it needs work? 2. The quality of ACT 2... better or worse? 3. What can be improved on the pronunciation? I'm...
  5. redwolf21

    Help with Compariosn of ACT 1.1 and ACT 2

    My UTAU's first birthday (or second, depending on how you look at it) was on July 17. I had planned on making an ACT 2 for her (since she kind of needs it, she needs more sounds and better pronounciation) but as a result of a microphone malfunction, I couldn't get it out on time. I was...
  6. redwolf21

    UTAU-synth or UTAU?

    Ah, thank you very much!
  7. redwolf21

    UTAU-Synth Users Unite!

    I'm actually really new to the UTAU-Synth stuff haha.. I originally started with the PC UTAU because my family had given me old PC laptops to use.. but eventually they crashed and I had nothing to use for UTAU for like, months.  It was really sad actually xD  I thought I would never be able to...
  8. redwolf21

    UTAU-synth or UTAU?

    Ah, I see.  Thank you! Quick question though.  When I click "Open" on my computer, a box comes up with three options to click.  I know that the first line is asking whether I want to save or not (google translate ehehehe), but what do the options say?
  9. redwolf21

    UTAU-synth or UTAU?

    Hey everyone! As a result of my computer deciding to freak out on me, I can no longer work with the UTAU program on my PC computer... However, I have a Mac computer now, and I heard that there is a program called "UTAU-synth" for it.  It's basically the Mac version of UTAU (If I'm understanding...
  10. redwolf21

    I don't want my UTAUloid to become deceased..

    Alrighty, thanks! But if she were to become decease, is there anyway to bring her back to... well, I guess life?
  11. redwolf21

    I don't want my UTAUloid to become deceased..

    So... my computer is really old.. and the last time that I tried to work with UTAU it just completely freaked out on me and wouldn't work.. The last song I released with her was on August 8, 2012. Does that mean that if there is no new song cover with her by August 8, 2013, she will be moved...
  12. redwolf21

    【UTAUカバー】 WAVE 【CRINA連続音】

    It's really pretty!  I like it a lot :)
  13. redwolf21

    The UTAU Mary-Sue Litmus Test

    I only did Keiko (I'm too lazy to do Zane, plus he isn't really official so hah) and she got a 2.5-3 I feel happy now ;w;
  14. redwolf21

    How to use MIDIs/MIDs in UTAU/audacity?

    Well, from my past experience, if you put a MIDI file into UTAU, then it will show the notes, but you will have to manually add the syllables to each of the notes.  I haven't played with it too much, so I can't really help that well ^^;
  15. redwolf21

    .UST / .VSQ Requst Thread

    Does anyone know where I can get the .usts for Under the Darkness the .ust is by Munoh? but I can't seem to download it? World is Mine? this song was requested by someone for my UTAUloid to sing haha Thanks if anyone can help!
  16. redwolf21


    If you ever wanted to oto the voicebank yourself, you could try using these websites. Those are the websites that I use ^^ http://heroofbagels.tumblr.com/post/22832658011/it-came-to-my-attention-that-new-utau-users-really http://redwolf21.deviantart.com/favourites/11867888#/d54s01p
  17. redwolf21

    .UST / .VSQ Requst Thread

    I'd like to make a request... I don't know how difficult this request will be though... Name: 東雲Letters /Shinonome Letters/Dawn Letters/ Sunrise Letters Audio: 【初音ミク - Hatsune Miku】東雲Letters【Original】 But since there isn't any karaoke as far as I know.. it might be hard D:
  18. redwolf21

    How many of you update your UTAUs?

    I don't know if I posted on this yet =w= But... For me personally because I'm awful with samples... Might release an ACT 1.1 because apparently I missed some sounds D: But it will be after I do more song covers of my own Just to see if I have any more that I've missed.  Keiko's still...
  19. redwolf21

    STEP BY STEP: Setting up a page on UTAU wiki for you UTAUloid...

    Thank you so much! ;w;