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Search results

  1. Pazuru


    It's been two years since I first created my account here. However, I started to be more and more inactive in the past year, and I wanted to officially announce that I am leaving UF! It's been great while it lasted.
  2. Pazuru

    Open UTAU trades (oto trades are RE-OPENED)

    my trades are closed, i'm sorry. i am not active there anymore.
  3. Pazuru

    Happy birthday Jiyon! Her SUNLIGHT VB is out now...

    Happy birthday Jiyon! Her SUNLIGHT VB is out now! https://soundcloud.com/areiqia/utau-1st-anniversarydemo-reeljiyon-aramaki-sunlight-v11-vb
  4. Pazuru

    Voicebank Jiyon Aramaki

    Pazuru updated Jiyon Aramaki View updates to this showcase item...
  5. Pazuru

    恵介 ヤエミ SUNBURST [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  6. Pazuru

    Covering the KAI Medley! Needing 60+ UTAUs

    Hi! I hope everyone is doing well. Like I did around the same time last year, I'll be covering a medley! Instead of the Bossa Nova Medley, I'll cover the KAI medley. You can choose your part yourself in this Google Doc, but please make sure to read the rules first! Thank you!
  7. Pazuru

    Seihee SUNLIGHT and SUNRISE are out now! SUNRISE is a monopitch Korean VCV while SUNLIGHT is a...

    Seihee SUNLIGHT and SUNRISE are out now! SUNRISE is a monopitch Korean VCV while SUNLIGHT is a multipitch VCV
  8. Pazuru

    omg funny mellun

    omg funny mellun
  9. Pazuru

    Voicebank Jiyon Aramaki

    Pazuru updated Seihee View updates to this showcase item...
  10. Pazuru

    Voicebank Jiyon Aramaki

    Pazuru updated Seihee View updates to this showcase item...
  11. Pazuru


    You can listen to the demo here! (COPY OF THE SOUNDCLOUD DESC.) She's finally here, woot woot!! You can download her here: paazuruu.wixsite.com/seihee/samples I'm really happy to release this new voicebank for Seihee! Yaemi Keisuke is officially her former name, and all of her upcoming...
  12. Jiyon Aramaki

    Jiyon Aramaki

    Jiyon is a loud and blunt person and can come off as rude due to her being overly honest. She often uses sarcasm to prove her point, which makes her seem cynic and arrogant. She is hardworking and sticks to her goals. Despite her bluntness, most people describe her as being really fun to be...
  13. Pazuru

    Voicebank Jiyon Aramaki

    Pazuru submitted a new Showcase Item: Seihee Read more about this showcase item here...
  14. Pazuru

    Oh, hi! I'm alive and I'm working on a Korean bank for Yaemi!

    Oh, hi! I'm alive and I'm working on a Korean bank for Yaemi!
  15. Pazuru

    Voicebank Yaemi Keisuke

    Pazuru updated Yaemi Keisuke View updates to this showcase item...
  16. Pazuru

    Open UTAU trades (oto trades are RE-OPENED)

    I'm re-opening oto-for-art trades, too! I'll oto all of your voicebank for a fullbody art. I can oto CV, VCV, CVVC and VCCV. CV otoing example: Aku Gaki's CV is voiced and completely otoed by me! CVVC otoing example: https://clyp.it/t3oafxtd?token=5bf63254aa17127eda3b106cc483e82b Zao...
  17. Pazuru

    Voicebank Yaemi Keisuke

    Pazuru updated Yaemi Keisuke View updates to this showcase item...
  18. Pazuru

    【9 UTAUカバー】Snow Song Show【UTAU Chorus】

    Hi! To celebrate Christmas, I made a cover of Snow Song Show, using 9 UTAUss~ It features my own adlibs and my own talkloid parts! It's my first time making a serious talkloid, so I hope it's good, haha. You can listen to it here! Have a great day, and merry (early) Christmas!
  19. Pazuru

    Christmas is coming soon...I'm working on a special cover for it!

    Christmas is coming soon...I'm working on a special cover for it!
  20. Pazuru

    Critique Requested MIXING PRACTICE- Crescent moon (short)

    Hi! From now on, I've decided to post short mixing practices for feedback. I'm specifically asking for constructive criticism, so please tell me what I did wrong and right. Thank you! UST by: Wee Wa World Used VB: Seihee