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  1. D

    The last person to post in this thread wins.

    Science jokes? Sort of? Um... Sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium BATMAN! (Considering sodium's symbol. idk o3o;; )
  2. D

    Name that P!

    millstones! Gossip
  3. D

    Use the UTAU above you

    I'm interested in this too, but who do I use...? The last UTAU posted, or the last person who posted's UTAU? Maybe I'll just make a duet with both! Anyhow, I don't have an UTAU, so whoever posts after me should just skip me and make a cover with the UTAU above me. o3o
  4. D

    Name that P!

    Oh! Isn't that by Kimuta? o3o The End of Solitude!
  5. D

    Who was the first...?

    The first song I head was Paranoid Doll, so Gakupo.  I think. I was looking for the anime "Paranoia Agent" except I couldn't remember the title so I typed in Paranoia Doll and that was the first thing that popped up. o3o;; Anyways, from there I kinda forgot about it until a few notes from the...
  6. D

    Name that P!

    So is Piano x Forte x Scandal the first one up? o3o OSTER Project! Okay then; "Scarlet M∞n"!
  7. D

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Kasane Teto: 21 (-1) Utane Uta: 7 (+1) Amane Luna: 81
  8. D

    I have the cheese!

    You can't eat it because I use your car's GPS system to track you down. I fly down with my jetpack and take the cheese right from your hands, and I fly into my secret underground hideout. I have the cheese.
  9. D

    What features do you wish Utau had?

    Perhaps if there was an official English version (as well as other official translations, maybe?) then there wouldn't be any installation errors or any need to change locale at all. I imagine quite a few people would be happy with that... Maybe throw in a romaji encoded version of Defoko, while...
  10. D

    Favorite P's?

    I love Wonderful Opportunity and Hikarisyuyo and NashimotoP... And I really like a lot of mothy's more recent songs~ o3o
  11. D

    Battle of the UTAUloids

    Kasane Teto: 38 (-1) Yokune Ruko: 2 Utane Uta: 54 Amane Luna: 14 (+1)
  12. D

    The Alphabet Game!

    Monopoly! o3o
  13. D

    I have the cheese!

    While you're running away with the crushed cheese, I planted a trip line that you didn't notice. You trip, and the cheese magically forms itself into a wheel shape and rolls to me. I pick it up and a handy helicopter comes and takes me into the air again. I have the cheese.
  14. D

    The Riddle Game

    Time or footsteps? @UtauYork's riddle: Was the man a parachuter whose parachute malfunctioned (still in the full pack), and he died from the impact of falling? o3o A little easier, I think: Bobby's mother has four children.... Penny, Nickel, Dime ... and what's the name of the fourth child?
  15. D

    What did you last eat?

    I had a mini Mounds bar last. o3o
  16. D

    Post the name of the song you're listening right now.

    Wandering Bird's Chronicle by millstones o3o
  17. D

    The Riddle Game

    Shorter -> short. Or possibly datum -> data? What do the letter "t" and an island have in common?
  18. D

    I have the cheese!

    I happen to be on that flight and when you fall asleep (it's a much longer ride than you've anticipated), I steal the cheese and parachute out of the plane, somewhere in some forest. I have the cheese.
  19. D

    Favorite P's?

    I really like kaoling too! Seems like a lot of people like her/him (?). o3o I also like nashimotoP and natsuP and OSTER Project and I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton of others...
  20. D

    The Alphabet Game!
