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  1. WorkFan208

    UTAU gives "Failed to generate wav file" error when rendering with VCV VB

    I'm using doppeltler and wavtool4vcv, and when i'm trying to render using VCV voicebank, utau gives "failed to generate wav file" error When i'm using default resampler and wavtool/resampler.dll, it sings "kaoan" and not "kakonanka" everything is okay with CV voicebanks Note: it's imported midi
  2. WorkFan208

    How to make CVVC voicebank singing english?

    I want to make ECHO cover on Ruko but she has no english voicebanks but I'm so silly that I don't know How to make CVVC voicebank singing english :bigtears: Who can heelp me?:ehhh:
  3. WorkFan208

    Problem with pitch plugin

    I'm new in utau... Or not so new. I'm working with pitch plug-in for... 3 month maybe. And I don't know wat is this... I reinstalled, but still same problem. What Can I Do !?