chinese cvvc

  1. Mei-Saime

    [晓晖] 涟漪 [中文UTAUDemo#1/Cover]

    Demo song for the Chinese UTAU XiaoHui. Learn more about XiaoHui and the rest of the UTAUs here: YouTube Upload: TBA NicoNico Upload: TBA Bilibili Upload: TBA XiaoHui current VB specs: -6 pitch CVVChinese VB -Vocal Fry and growl to be added...
  2. Mei-Saime

    Yuzuko Chinese design + Demos!

    Aaaand here is her official Chinese design~! I hope she can show some elegance and cuteness! Also 2 demos have been produced using her beta CVVC Chinese voice! Do check them out and don't forget to subscribe! YT: Demo 1: Demo 2: BiliBili: Demo 1: Demo...
  3. Mei-Saime

    Yuzuko CVVChinese Demo #1

    Yuzuko's Chinese Voicebank demonstration is up and I highly check the description for clarification~! ^^
  4. Mei-Saime

    Yuzuko Chinese Art Promo

    She's coming soon with a new language...
  5. kimchi-tan

    How to use Voicemith's SetLyric plugin/convert pinyin to CVVC for Voicemith voicebanks?

    I'm really confused on how it works ;~; What I do understand is how to convert the lyrics to the inside/outside/muffle voicebanks but I have no idea how to convert them into CVVC. Unless there's another plugin for it? I would really appreciate it if someone linked it to me/showed how the...
  6. lunamageice

    OREMO Recording Package CVVC Mandarin Reclist LUNA-style 1.0

    Hello there~ I actually released this list on my soundcloud a while back, but thought I should put it here as well! This list has pinyin elements, but is altered to correspond to the sounds they actually make. I did this because if you don't know pinyin, or its your first time recording a...