
  1. Rice Life

    How do you make Utau sound smoother besides relist, the red lines in utau

    How do you move those red lines and make them more fluent and i'm told , vibrato isn't good to use but i did for my vb,/utau for certain long notes and it makes them more stable and made the red exclamation mark go aways also i think i know what that means but, what does it mean exactly can...
  2. A

    Different kinds of vibrato

    Hello guys! Since I don't use UTAU, I tend to hear anyway, in the cover, the standard vibrato, and it's not so bad... it's kinda pretty... but in VOCALOID I hear sooooooooooooooooo many kind of vibrato. I would like to listen to other (or the possible) vibrato types in UTAU, since I can't really...
  3. keiran h

    Moresampler adding vibrato to every long notes

    I wish could post an example but sadly I can't The resampler is adding random vibrato to every long notes I deselected the vibrato but nothing ;-;