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  1. notloidhere

    Help with multipitch

    Hello, I'm here to ask for help again, well, I'll tell you, I want to make a definitive version of CV voicebanks for my UTAU Shiroanne Fukanato, and thus leave the format behind, I must say that I'm pretty bad at making voicebanks, and that's why I wonder how many pitches a voicebank needs to be...
  2. whycho-san

    plz help

    there are 0 tutorials on how to use them and its really difficult and im struggling to make a voicebank. ive otoed it, made a character.txt but i cant edit aliases in open utau which is very inconvienient but im not sure if its causing the rendering problem. WORDLINE and wordline r wont work so...
  3. whycho-san

    how do i make a voicebank ONLY using openutau and vlabeller

    there are 0 tutorials on how to use them and its really difficult and im struggling to make a voicebank. ive otoed it, made a character.txt but i cant edit aliases in open utau which is very inconvienient but im not sure if its causing the rendering problem. WORDLINE and wordline r wont work so...
  4. notloidhere

    What is the best tutorial or form to record a CV Voicebank?

    i try so much times make a decent CV Bank, but always they ended being bad, i really don't know what to do, and VCV and CVVC banks are so much to me, any recomendation? (sorry for my bad english)
  5. mangosiryan12

    CV voicebank to vcv [Experiment]

    what do you think? should I continue and work on other old voicebanks too?
  6. p0lybiusv4x

    How to combine all of Yokune Ruko's voicebanks?

    For more than a year ive been messing around with Yokune Ruko, with a yokune ruko kire + yokune ruko strained combined voicebank. However ive really been struggling when it comes to combining MORE of ruko's voicebanks. Id like to add the rest of Ruko's voicebanks to my already combined one. Ive...
  7. p0lybiusv4x

    How to combine multiple Yokune Ruko voicebanks?

    After a few months of messing around with Ruko's male kire + strained combined voicebank i decided i really want to combine the other voicebanks into it too, i.e Yokune Ruko whisper. I know its possible since ive seen people do it, im just a bit confused all around. Am i supposed to change the...
  8. Beetlegun

    Voicebank 親切自然 ~ WINTER ~

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item 親切自然 ~ WINTER ~. Please add to the discussion here.
  9. 親切自然 ~ WINTER ~

    親切自然 ~ WINTER ~

    Shinsetsu Shizen ("Kind Nature" in Japanese) is a genderless and ageless angel. Her personality is unknown, can be interpreted freely by anyone using her. She goes by any pronouns.
  10. Arlaik

    Rito Nuruko NT (New Try)

  11. Nythoma

    Thoma VB Update | Death (Melanie Martinez Cover) + UST

  12. Beetlegun

    Voicebank Fuzake Saka V4

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item Fuzake Saka V4. Please add to the discussion here.
  13. Fuzake Saka V4

    Fuzake Saka V4

    Item: a Cotton Candy Personality: Extrovert, energetic and kinda childish Relations: Kagamine Rin and Len (Idol crush) and Hatsune Miku (Idol) Fuzake (Fuzaketa/ふざけた) - Playful Saka (Sakasu/サーカス) - Circus
  14. Systemイア

    Voicebank 翼音キラ [Deleted]

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item 翼音キラ. Please add to the discussion here. 1677443497 Their is no Showcase done yet because we are not home. We are currently in crisis center. So they will fully be realeased as soon as they can.
  15. B

    OREMO Capital letter...

    Oremo doesn't see the difference between Capital letters and lowercase letters. I recorded the "kla" sample and it appeared on 4 samples: kla, kLa, klA, and kLA. How do I prevent this? And is it possible to use custom voicebanks in OpenUtau?
  16. Lyrexios Creator Guardian

    Lucas CV and VCV delay.

    Still didn't forget about this site and my promise to make a new CV nd VCV if possible. Only issue I'm now facing is that my irl voice just cracks ass. It will break in early notes and is not optimal for singing atm. I will practice with this but the chances for a new voicebank will probably be...
  17. voltqire

    extracting files

    SOOOO... i'm very much a new utau user. i'm trying to download matsudappoiyo's voicebanks, but none of them seem to be working. i've been extracting the files and everything since they're all zip files, but the only voicebank that worked was the retake warm voicebank. matsudappoiyo isn't the...
  18. argalia

    matsudappoiyo light cant sing

    hello!! im really new to utau and ive been wanting to use matsudappoiyo (light) for a while but i cant seem to make him to get sound i'm using hiragana and my locale is in japan, my installed plugins as of right now is the lyric diphonizer, i am aware this utau is a vcv, is there any help? sorry...
  19. Nythoma

    「UTAU arpasing[+] Release」 Angry ft. Thoma + UST / MIDI

  20. Mickey_Junebaaa

    Voicebank Mickey

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item Mickey. Please add to the discussion here.