yura sashoune

  1. xShadowxXIII

    【UTAU ENG CVVC】Your Reality 【Sashoune Yura】

    I uploaded a video to YouTube showcasing ENG CVVC. It uses a word-based reclist written by Sylveranty, which works similar to her German CVVC reclist! It's still in development and being tested a lot, but have a look at possible results lol
  2. xShadowxXIII

    UST rain_stain_ 2017-05-08

    It's a ust for a song as old as time in UTAU community units lol It's still bomb though. The ust uses some very specific flags to get that raspy effect .May or may not work with the UTAU you're using! The ust: main: the main vocals hamo1: the high harmonies, panned slightly to the left hamo2...
  3. xShadowxXIII


    ■ Title: Suji / スヂ ■ Originally sung by Hatsune Miku (sm27771293 / watch?v=ZIVOhNcDqnI) ■ music: MARETU ■ UST: マコロン ■ vocals: Sashoune Yura I guess you could call this a PV? It's been a while since I've used LipSync, but damn is it still nice to have a little more to watch while the song is...
  4. xShadowxXIII

    UST Aiso Warai | アイソワライ 2016-06-16

    After getting hooked onto kairiki bear thanks to People Allergy, I went on to listen through a few more of his songs. I was astonished to see that there wasn't any ust for this one yet. The ust: main.ust: the main vocals hamo.ust: the harmonies
  5. xShadowxXIII

    【UTAU RELEASE】詐称音ユラ2016ささやき【Sashoune Yura 2016 Sasayaki】

    So like, last thursday was Yura's 7th anniversary, figures I'd have to do SOMETHING this year, after not having done anything for it the last two years. So let's celebrate by releasing her first real but technically second append! (I do not like to call it append but what else am I gonna call...
  6. xShadowxXIII

    【UTAU RELEASE】Sashoune Yura VCV 2015【詐称音ユラ連続音2015】

    NND: Maybe posting it here too will help with views lol Download: Mediafire (this is all of the components listed in the video; should someone need only parts of it, please message me!) The songs featured in the demo medley will be released with full videos in the future! Other UTAUloids...