【見桜速雄単族音4.0配布】 キミ以上、ボク未満 【UTAU Anniversary】


Icon by Wanpuccino @ DA
Defender of Defoko
【見桜速雄単族音4.0配布】 キミ以上、ボク未満 【UTAU Anniversary】

Happy third UTAU-Birthday, Hayao!

Finally, an update to his CV bank, after more than a year!
It's romaji and Bipitch, at F3 and G3. I've included a Prefix map, so you don't need to worry about it.

This bank also includes renzokuon vowel strings. In hiragana you can apply a VCV plugin to automatically convert all vowels to VCV format, while in romaji you can either type them in by hand or click the vowel note, press "V" on your keyboard, and choose the correct VV combination from the dropdown list that appears.

Download CV4.0: http://www.4shared.com/rar/QlJmUBYG/misakura_cv_ver4.html

Download VCV2.0 here (Recommended if you can use VCV; I won't be updating his base VCV for a while): http://youtu.be/WrmnYFBwx0k

I've done a lousy job of updating this year, but I caught his Anniversary on time at least, hey?
It's been a hectic year for me. I dropped out of school, in the end, and that's been the cause of most everything.
But everything's looking up. Hopefully I'll start updating more than once a year.

It's been a pleasure voicing Hayao again, let me tell you. I managed to get a high set in there that actually works this time (usually I leave them out because they give me hell; I guess I leveled up in the voice acting department), and I'm letting you know now that his Soft VCVs are fully recorded. I only need re-check the oto and rerecord a few samples. There's a short demo at the end of this video.

Oh; a note! His design is still basically last years. He still has slightly curly/wavy hair. In Kimi Ijou, Boku Miman, I simply thought it would look cute straight. Take it with a pinch of salt. o vo;

鬼彼女/Demon Girlfriend written by Suno and composed by FamirockP (sorry about the incorrect subs in the video!)
UST by UtauReizo

KiLLER LADY Written by q*Left
Composed and Arranged by 8#Prince
UST by MurasakiMomoKachi

キミ以上、ボク未満/Kimi Ijou, Boku Miman written and composed by Deco*27
UST by nmasao and Utauloid Schyler

さよならメモリーズ/Sayonara Memories written and composed by Supercell
UST by me

All USTs edited by me relatively heavily.
Art by me.

Thank you for watching!
/copypasted from YT