About VCV...


Momo's Minion
So, I've recorded all the strings of syllables using OREMO already and saved it in the UTAU voice folder. Now the problem starts. I have absolutely no idea how to load the voicebank onto the UTAU software. It always specifically looks for the 'あ.wav' so if I try to load the 1st string, it won't load. How do you load the VB onto UTAU?
Oh yeah, the 1st file in Pie's (temp. name. don't ask.) VCV is 'a_a_i_a_u_e_a.wav'. I used the Romaji Ritsu reclist.


Teto's Territory
It doesn't specifically look for あ.wav, it just defaults to it. Double clicking/opening any wav file instead should work but as you said, it didn't.
Which method of adding the voicebank are you using?


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Method? I just open a random ust and pick the VB's first .wav file. The tools (resampler, etc.) are okay and nothing else seems to be wrong. I made a CV bank before and it worked fine in that way.

Never mind, I used another way (thru the voicebank settings thing) and it loaded perfectly. So I just have to oto it now, right? Thanks again, Rai ^w^.


Teto's Territory
I think nils is more familiar with VCVs than I am. Just a note: the fresamp resampler works quite well with most VCV banks. Give it a try after otoing.