アリス 敬子 Arisu Keiko (Keipoid)


Momo's Minion
Name:  アリス 敬子 Arisu Keiko (Arisu; noble sort, Keiko; respectful child)
Age: 16
Country of Origin: United States
UTAU Series: Personaloids (started by Kurotard)
Voice Type: Strong, yet smooth.
Optimum Range: No definite voice range. Not very good with higher-toned songs (ex: World is Mine)
Encoding: Hiragana
Aliases: Yes. Aliases are in Romaji.
Voicebank Type: CV (has a few extra sounds)
Preconfigured OTO: Yes
Appends/Multiple Banks: None at the moment
Languages: Japanese
Voicebank Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?psxs745yy1x5cde
Samples: [soundcloud]Name:  アリス 敬子 Arisu Keiko (Arisu; noble sort, Keiko; respectful child)
Age: 16
Country of Origin: United States
UTAU Series: Personaloids (started by Kurotard)
Voice Type: Strong, yet smooth.
Optimum Range: No definite voice range. Not very good with higher-toned songs (ex: World is Mine)
Encoding: Hiragana
Aliases: Yes. Aliases are in Romaji.
Voicebank Type: CV (has a few extra sounds)
Preconfigured OTO: Yes
Appends/Multiple Banks: None at the moment
Languages: Japanese
Voicebank Download:
Samples: [soundcloud]http://soundcloud.com/kurotard/i-can-take-off-my-panties[/soundcloud]
Plans have been made for Appends and possibly an English voicebank!