Could someone do a conversion for me?


Founder of The Church of Mawarine Shuu
Defender of Defoko
This is probably a strange request, lel.

Anyway, I use UTAU Synth so I can't use plugins and now my parents are annoyed with me downloading stuff on the Mac because they firmly believe I am responsible for every virus that has ever been on any of our computers so I'm not allowed to use any emulators to run regular UTAU so could anyone convert a Vsqx to Ust for me?

I can send it by email (or just give you the download link if you want. It's Kanon746's Gigantic O.T.N. Vsqx.)

Idk what to offer in return- art I guess? Full colored, just the sketch are both cool, I dunno' it could be of literally whatever. Or maybe like, pretty ok-ish otoing if you want, rare pepes, just name your price (unless it's actual money because I'm broke.)