Could someone do an art box for my UTAU ?


Ruko's Ruffians
Could someone do an art box for my UTAU?

I'm doing an enhanced version of Utau Alex-Loid (original creator Savitri Ahmad that this participating in
the project). He will be an utau CVVC that can speak 4 to 5 languages including: portuguese Brazil (main), Spanish, Japanese and English.

Everything is almost ready to art of utau is already ready and your Tags too, the voice of the voice provider will still be the Leciano.
And audio samples will be edited by min but just missing the art box to terminate the project and launch the new Alex-Loid.

I came here to ask you could someone do the art box don't worry with the art of utau because I put everything here on this link to download.

Link:!xsUGRZCZ!TcFqMpHLgnwn1-JkD8GIRyzSgI_Ed-NjY4zYFAgw3G0 [MEGA]

So Alex is released the credits will be given (NOTE: you can also put your credits in art box if you wish).


Ruko's Ruffians
Thread starter
I came here to correct something that the translator do when I use it the name of the creator of alex isn't Savitri Ahmad is Leciano Araujo the translator does not recognize his name because it is not widely used in the world.