Deciphering EZFG's "Too Shy Shy Boy!"


Ruko's Ruffians
I actually have known of this cover quite a while ago, but recently it started bugging me again. EZFG has put some lines in English on this song, but they are all actually sung in Engrish by Luka. Example: "situation" -> "shichueishon"; "good times" -> "good taimu"; etc...
Those cases where the lyrics are normal, it is ok for me. But there is that part where the lyrics are shown as phonemes instead. I tried "translating" them, but I couldn't get some of the words, and I wanted tome help.
The part I'm referring is:

wI  dh O:  n i:  th u:  kh r aI
e@  nQ@  Z I  f O@  dh r aI
@U  n aI t  th r u:  j O@  s e l f  s @U  th r aI  m aI  T O: t
f l aI  S U d  n @U  r I dZ  dh eI  m O@  n aI t

And this is what I got:

Without need to cry
Energy (?!) for dry
All (??) night true yourself so try my thought
fly should (n @U r I dZ?) they more night

Sincerely, part of these lyrics don't make much sense for me, or I translated wrong. So... any help?


Teto's Territory
To me that "Energy" looks like Another? Well I can at least tell you that
(n @U r I dZ) is likely Engrished "Knowledge"

beyond that....  I'd have to hear an unnedit/raw version of the lyrics in question


Ruko's Ruffians
Thread starter
The problem is: this is only a cover, and those lyrics only exist on this version. and I tried looking for the lyrics, but I only could find the original ones, which don't have those lines in Engrish.