hey yall... its been a long time since i tried to use utau cuz of personal reasons (wich means im kinda off rusty), but i think i back again...! alright so i having problems with openutau´s diffsinger; when i try to play the song, this happens:
my machine isnt the best for these days (+10 years old intel pentium and 2 gb of ram) but if someone knows if theres any way to resolve it (and if it does, explain how to resolve it without trouble my newbie head), i will be really thankful!
the error in question;
Failed to render
The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods' threw an exception.
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods' threw an exception.)
---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods' threw an exception.
---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'onnxruntime' or one of its dependencies: Não foi possível encontrar o módulo especificado. (0x8007007E)
at Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods.OrtGetApiBase()
at Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.SessionOptions..ctor()
at OpenUtau.Core.Onnx.getOnnxSessionOptions() in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\Util\Onnx.cs:line 60
at OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger.DsVocoder..ctor(String name) in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\DiffSinger\DiffSingerVocoder.cs:line 37
at OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger.DiffSingerSinger.getVocoder() in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\DiffSinger\DiffSingerSinger.cs:line 162
at OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger.DiffSingerRenderer.InvokeDiffsinger(RenderPhrase phrase, Double depth, Int32 steps, CancellationTokenSource cancellation) in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\DiffSinger\DiffSingerRenderer.cs:line 130
at OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger.DiffSingerRenderer.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<Render>b__0() in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\DiffSinger\DiffSingerRenderer.cs:line 106
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
im using windows 10 x64, and sorry for any english errors!
my machine isnt the best for these days (+10 years old intel pentium and 2 gb of ram) but if someone knows if theres any way to resolve it (and if it does, explain how to resolve it without trouble my newbie head), i will be really thankful!
the error in question;
Failed to render
The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods' threw an exception.
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods' threw an exception.)
---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods' threw an exception.
---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'onnxruntime' or one of its dependencies: Não foi possível encontrar o módulo especificado. (0x8007007E)
at Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods.OrtGetApiBase()
at Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.SessionOptions..ctor()
at OpenUtau.Core.Onnx.getOnnxSessionOptions() in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\Util\Onnx.cs:line 60
at OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger.DsVocoder..ctor(String name) in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\DiffSinger\DiffSingerVocoder.cs:line 37
at OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger.DiffSingerSinger.getVocoder() in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\DiffSinger\DiffSingerSinger.cs:line 162
at OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger.DiffSingerRenderer.InvokeDiffsinger(RenderPhrase phrase, Double depth, Int32 steps, CancellationTokenSource cancellation) in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\DiffSinger\DiffSingerRenderer.cs:line 130
at OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger.DiffSingerRenderer.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<Render>b__0() in D:\a\OpenUtau\OpenUtau\OpenUtau.Core\DiffSinger\DiffSingerRenderer.cs:line 106
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
im using windows 10 x64, and sorry for any english errors!