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Momo's Minion
SOOOO... i'm very much a new utau user. i'm trying to download matsudappoiyo's voicebanks, but none of them seem to be working. i've been extracting the files and everything since they're all zip files, but the only voicebank that worked was the retake warm voicebank. matsudappoiyo isn't the only one this problem is occuring with, im also having this problem with teto as well (but i don't really care about having her as of right now).
i was wondering if im doing something wrong or if i'm supposed to have winrar? because i know that's a well-known file extracting software, but i didn't need it to extract sekka yufu's voicebanks with winrar.


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Does the extraction process finish completely, or are some files missing/corrupted?

Can you take a screenshot of the files after you extracted them? Do the file names look normal?

When you use the voicebanks in UTAU, are you writing lyrics that match the voicebank format?


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
the extraction process does finish completely, all of the files look fine.
the files are supposed to look like this, right? (i've never seen the a3, c4, etc., things before so if that's something then please let me know lol)
Screenshot 2022-12-10 232753.pngScreenshot 2022-12-10 232719.png
voicebank files are supposed to be .wav files right? i'm not sure if the frq files are causing any trouble.
i'm not sure if the lyrics match the voicebank format because i've been using usts.


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
It seems you might be using VCV voicebanks. This means that the lyrics need to be written as vowel-consonant-vowel.

Let's say for example these are the notes.
ka | e | ru | no | u | ta | ga

To convert it to VCV, first it should be in hiragana, then each note needs to "borrow" the vowel from the previous note.
- か|a え|e る|u の|o う|u た|a が
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