there are 0 tutorials on how to use them and its really difficult and im struggling to make a voicebank. ive otoed it, made a character.txt but i cant edit aliases in open utau which is very inconvienient but im not sure if its causing the rendering problem. WORDLINE and wordline r wont work so i use TIPS and other stuff but my voice bank is not working at all. its either silent or this error appears. im using a romaji bank that doesnt have all the samples so this is a beta
bank but it should work. please make a tutorial or tell me what i need to add. i cant install other software on my computer [windows 8] so i can only use open utau and vlabeller.

bank but it should work. please make a tutorial or tell me what i need to add. i cant install other software on my computer [windows 8] so i can only use open utau and vlabeller.