It doesn't come any sound out of utau, help?


Momo's Minion
EDIT: Problem solved! I installed a newer version of utau, and everything works now!
Thank you anyway.

Hello there my friend.

Last year, I downloaded Utau and installed it etc.
After I did that, I started to record a voice bank.
I was really lazy, and didn't record it all and put it in different files until a few days ago. After following a few utau tutorials I thought "Hey, then it means I'm finished now!". So, I draw some random ust in utau, marks it and click play. The thing that is supposed to move moves, but. No sound. I thought it was weird, and thought that it only was like that with my voice bank, so I try Defoko instead. But no sound from her either. I start getting frustraded and downloads Momo quick, just to test. She at least sounds "click", but still not the sound I was after (あ).
So, I asked one of my utau gods of help (JeiMuffin on YouTube), and she didn't know either and recommended me to ask here instead. So now when you know the situation I need to say some things:

1. I have my computer installed on japanese and have a pretty good translater in utau. It haven't translated all yet, but at least it is in japanese and not a lot of questionmarks like it was before.
2. I have made FRQ files of my voice bank
3. I have searched on both youtube and google after help, but people are only answering things I have already done.
4. My friend have the same problem as me. And she tried uninstall and install utau, but it didn't change anything for her, so I haven't done it.
5. When I tried Momo and Defoko I did write in hiragana. But when I tried my voice bank, that only has romaji, I wrote romaji.
6. Voice samples works. The voice samples for my utau, momo and Defoko. BUT, Defokos samples doesn't work anymore without that it comes an error message. (And if you didn't get it, it doesn't sound)

Etcetc. Also, I have weird error messages that shows up on japanese sometimes. But since I can't copy the text, I can't google translate. So if you know what it says, then please tell me.
I can only read "Error" on the one with a yellow triangel.

So, uh. What am I supposed to do? Please help, and I will give you a cookie :c


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Oh, thank you.
Momo works now! But my voice bank and Defoko still doesn't work... I read everything on Utau wikia that you linked, but I can't find any files that are named "mkdefo.exe" and "aquestalk.dll".
I can have missed something, or I didn't understand something.

.. uh

EDIT: I tried install a newer version of utau, and guess what! Momo, Defoko and my utau works!
[sub]Though my utau sounded ridiculous so I'm recording her voice bank again now, lol[/sub]
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