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Resource Korean CVVC Reclist 2.0

Ronnie <UniverseJuice>

Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
UniverseJuice submitted a new resource:

Korean CVVC Reclist - A new and improved Korean CVVC reclsit, with easy-to-understand instructions, a reference bank, &UST

Within the rar file is the entire reclist, ready for Oremo, and a readme that has a pronunciation guide and even some helpful tips.
I have also included an empty oto.ini file that is ready for setparam, and my own voicebank if you need to listen to it for reference.
If you want to test the voicebank with a UST that is already using the specific reclist, Eyes, Nose, Lips is also included. (When using the UST, if you don't want any extra hassle, DO NOT reset the envelopes since they are set...

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Ronnie <UniverseJuice>

Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
UniverseJuice updated Korean CVVC Reclist with a new update entry:

UPDATED Korean CVVC Reclist

Included is an updated version of my CVVC Korean Reclist
The OTO.INI and a Pronunciation Guide is included in the "Reclist" Folder.
There is a UST included that can be used to test the voicebank. Feel free to edit the UST as you wish to make it work better for your UTAU. (This was the first UST I made for this reclist, so it may not be as smooth as a more experienced UTAU user may make it)
There is an example voicebank also included that can be used to listen to the pronunciation for...

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Ronnie <UniverseJuice>

Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
UniverseJuice updated Korean CVVC Reclist with a new update entry:

Completely remade version. New strings, cleaner sounds, more organized.

I broke down the old reclist and completely remade it.

There is a README in the opening file which I STRONGLY recommend that you read BEFORE recording.

There are more vowel strings with added sounds that are used often in KPOP songs. The vowel strings are also organized by letter, so as to avoid messy and hard to pronounce strings.

The consonant strings when from being CVC to CVCV to include -CV, VC, and CV sounds.
(Example: gag -> gaga [-ga][ag][ga])

The English compatible sounds...

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