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Kotori Tori (UTAU Character Design)

Torii Kotori

Teto's Territory
I quickly made a design for a UTAUloid that is in the works. This is the design for Kotori Tori VCCV English. Her voice is planned to be light and clear with the focus on high notes (and the possibility of falsetto). I was pretty upset by the lack of VCCV voice banks that could reach very high notes (A5 and above), so I decided I would make an UTAU that can do that. Her main design theme is "Royal Grace" and "Bismuth".
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Torii Kotori

Teto's Territory
Thread starter
I like the color palette! Any samples yet?
Thank you! I'm glad you like it! There aren't any samples yet (still in recording process for her base voice). I will create a post of her voice sample once I get a few recordings of her base and falsetto voice