This thread will be updated as new versions of the below software become available for download.
UTAU v0.4.16 -- Official Website
・ System Requirements - WinXP or later with Japanese Locale
UTAU 2.77 & UTAU-Synth 1.0.0 b15 -- Official Website
・ System Requirements - WinXP or later with Japanese Locale OR Mac OSX
・ Complete UTAU English Patch -- For 2.77, Windows Only
・ UTAU@Wiki Plugin Page -- Japanese site
・ VCV → CV
・ CV → VCV
・ Pitch Editing
・ Misc
Another way to oto.
Setparam - Official Website
・ System Requirements - WinXP or above
Software used for the most basic task of making an UTAU: recording wav files.
OREMO - Official Website
・ System Requirements - WinXP or later, Japanese Locale
Audacity - Website
・ System Requirements - Windows XP or later
Because sometimes WMM just doesn't cut it.
Videospin - Website
・ Windows XP or later.
Videospin is now discontinued but can be downloaded here. It was a freely downloadable non-linear video editing software package similar to Pinnacle Studio but with some advanced features missing.
Wax - Website
・ Windows XP or later.
A freeware video compositing software with additional rotomate, a chroma keyer, particle generator, and light values chart plugins.
Lightworks - Website
・ Windows XP or later. High-end PC recommended.
Lightworks is a professional video editing software suite that includes a free version. The free version is limited in its import/export capabilities, but that is stuff you likely wouldn't need anyways.
Jahshaka - Website
・ Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Jahshaka (formerly known as CineFX) is a cross-platform, open source, free, video editing, special effects effects, and compositing suite. It aims to be an open source After Effects.
VideoLAN Movie Creator - Website
・ Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Non-linear editing software for video creation based on libVLC. Free open source GPL software.
AviUtil - Official Website | English Version
・ Windows XP or later
A Japanese AVI and video editing tool that has been patched into English. You can load AVIs and BMP sequences, apply effects, adjust keyframes, etc. English Useful Tips and Tricks Guide
Related software that does not fit into other categories.
REAPER - Website
・ Windows 98 or later.
REAPER is a digital audio workstation (DAW). It is distributed with an uncrippled evaluation license with a nag screen after trial's end. A discounted licence is available at $60 for non-commercial users.
Fire Alpaca - Website
・ Windows XP or later.
Fire Alpaca is a free image editing and drawing tool that includes many advanced features in a nicely organized manner. It's well suited for freehand drawing, especially with a digital pen.
MyPaint - Website
・ Linux OR Windows XP or later.
MyPaint is a fast and easy open-source graphics application for digital painters. It lets you focus on the art instead of the program. You work on your canvas with minimum distractions, bringing up the interface only when you need it. Good for painting, of a little lacking in features on its latest build. Photoshop users might find it a little frustrating for much but sketching.
Pencil Animation - Website
・ Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Free open source keyframe-based traditional animation software somewhat akin to Flash.
NicoEnco - Download
・ Windows XP or later.
Transcodes videos to be uploaded to non-premium NND accounts.
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UTAU v0.4.16 -- Official Website
・ System Requirements - WinXP or later with Japanese Locale
UTAU 2.77 & UTAU-Synth 1.0.0 b15 -- Official Website
・ System Requirements - WinXP or later with Japanese Locale OR Mac OSX
・ Complete UTAU English Patch -- For 2.77, Windows Only
・ UTAU@Wiki Plugin Page -- Japanese site
・ VCV → CV
・ CV → VCV
- Lyric Diphonzer - Works both ways
- Diphonze
- Autorenzoku - A more complex system, Japanese only
- Renzokuon Prefix - Lite only, I think.
・ Pitch Editing
- PicEdit - Select a length of notes and pitch bend over all of them at once using a range of tools. Includes line tools, S bends, Freehand and [+], which adds new control points where you click and allows you to move existing ones with ease.
- うたりす/Utalis - Similar in nature to Vocalistener, Utalis takes the dynamics from a WAV recorded by a real singer and transfers it to your working UST. Japanese only, tutorials in English can be found.
・ Misc
- Envelope Editor - Use freehand drawing to shape your envelopes into more complex shapes than the default editor allows.
- Vowelize - CV → V
- Romaji → Kana/Kana → Romaji - Beware: it does both.
- bizz's UTAU plugins - Has a variety of uses, including romaji/hiragana UST conversion (tutorial to translate to English)
Another way to oto.
Setparam - Official Website
・ System Requirements - WinXP or above
- Simple and quick otoing at the press of the F# and arrow keys
- Add prefixes and suffixes to Voice Bank aliases
- Auto VCV oto
Software used for the most basic task of making an UTAU: recording wav files.
OREMO - Official Website
・ System Requirements - WinXP or later, Japanese Locale
Audacity - Website
・ System Requirements - Windows XP or later
Because sometimes WMM just doesn't cut it.
Videospin - Website
・ Windows XP or later.
Videospin is now discontinued but can be downloaded here. It was a freely downloadable non-linear video editing software package similar to Pinnacle Studio but with some advanced features missing.
Wax - Website
・ Windows XP or later.
A freeware video compositing software with additional rotomate, a chroma keyer, particle generator, and light values chart plugins.
Lightworks - Website
・ Windows XP or later. High-end PC recommended.
Lightworks is a professional video editing software suite that includes a free version. The free version is limited in its import/export capabilities, but that is stuff you likely wouldn't need anyways.
Jahshaka - Website
・ Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Jahshaka (formerly known as CineFX) is a cross-platform, open source, free, video editing, special effects effects, and compositing suite. It aims to be an open source After Effects.
VideoLAN Movie Creator - Website
・ Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Non-linear editing software for video creation based on libVLC. Free open source GPL software.
AviUtil - Official Website | English Version
・ Windows XP or later
A Japanese AVI and video editing tool that has been patched into English. You can load AVIs and BMP sequences, apply effects, adjust keyframes, etc. English Useful Tips and Tricks Guide
Related software that does not fit into other categories.
REAPER - Website
・ Windows 98 or later.
REAPER is a digital audio workstation (DAW). It is distributed with an uncrippled evaluation license with a nag screen after trial's end. A discounted licence is available at $60 for non-commercial users.
Fire Alpaca - Website
・ Windows XP or later.
Fire Alpaca is a free image editing and drawing tool that includes many advanced features in a nicely organized manner. It's well suited for freehand drawing, especially with a digital pen.
MyPaint - Website
・ Linux OR Windows XP or later.
MyPaint is a fast and easy open-source graphics application for digital painters. It lets you focus on the art instead of the program. You work on your canvas with minimum distractions, bringing up the interface only when you need it. Good for painting, of a little lacking in features on its latest build. Photoshop users might find it a little frustrating for much but sketching.
Pencil Animation - Website
・ Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Free open source keyframe-based traditional animation software somewhat akin to Flash.
NicoEnco - Download
・ Windows XP or later.
Transcodes videos to be uploaded to non-premium NND accounts.
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