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Looking for Male Voice Provider (JP) and Artist For Keito


Momo's Minion
Hey! I'm Kosa, the creator of GSE (Ghostie star Esscence)! If you're a follower of my CCC (Casting Call Club), you may know that I posted this a couple of months ago, but if you are not, let me give you the basic details of this if you want to audition.

UTAU Name: Keito
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance (This is for the artists): He has body type of the standard anime boy, short brown hair with bangs that swoop to the left side of his face, dark blue headphones, brown eyes with glasses, a shirt with some sort of graphic (it could be whatever as long as it fits the aesthetic of the character), black pajama pants and converse sneakers (of course add socks to it as well.)
Personallity: optimistic and clever.
Voice Type: CV

Discord: kosalunaemmd
Reclist: (please use oremo's original reclist but don't click on the up and down arrows. I basically do not have a reclist yet.)
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