Mixing advice for this one song?


Momo's Minion
Hello! I'm currently working on a cover for 悪食娘コンチータ (Evil food eater: Lady Conchita). And I was wishing to preform mixing very similar to the original vocals of the song. (I am using FLstudio 12)

Does anybody know how to get the exact / A similar distortion the original vocals have? If so, Then how? Any help would be appreciated!


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
I've given the song a listen and there don't seem to be any parts with distortion. The mixing is plain and straightforward. What you're hearing is probably just the effects of the Vocaloid 1 engine on MEIKO's vocals, because it used parameter-based synthesis rather than manipulation of raw audio. Moresampler also uses analysis of the original samples to synthesize audio, but it's much higher quality than V1's engine.
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