moresampler and modulation? Turning off automatic pitch shifting?


Momo's Minion
Heyo! I'm a new UTAU user :smile:
So basically, I wanted to import a pre-recorded voice sample (like a short multi-pitch sentence) into UTAU and specifically use moresampler's flags to modify it a little.
The issue, however, is that moresampler specifically greatly flattens the pitch of the sample into the uniform tone of the note it's placed on and adjusting modulation isn't enough to return it to its original version (something that other resamplers seem to be able to do as far as I saw?).
Does anyone have any idea if (and if so, how) it would be possible to make it so moresampler doesn't pitch-correct etc the voice samples and instead leaves them at exactly the tones the original recordings were recorded at (basically entirely ignoring the piano-roll placement entirely, if that makes sense?), when adjusting modulation doesn't seem to work?

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