My jinriki UTAU doesn't sing in the right pitch


Momo's Minion
So yeah I'm making a jinriki UTAU, but after oto-ing and everything I realized that the voicebank sings in the wrong pitch. For example the note is a F#4, it will sing an F4 or even E4. It worth noting that the quality of the samples aren't the greatest, but surely there's a way to fix it?


Momo's Minion
It depends where the samples you took because there is no way in majority of the time when the vocal samples you picked are from them talking or singing, the Jirinki you create will not always have the same pitch. Some have different tones.

You can try tampering the pitch but the results aren't going to be better. The other suggestion is to avoid grabbing samples where the tone/vocal pitch is different and replace with a similar range.

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