Need help otoing a vcv bank!


Ruko's Ruffians
Hello! I've been working on creating a multipitch vcv bank for my utau. It works, but I'm having trouble getting everything to sound smooth. I'm a little overwhelmed dealing with all the files, and was hoping someone more experienced could be willing to help me oto them better! This is what the bank sounds like at the moment:

At the moment, all I have recorded is the base pitch and a C5 pitch.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
How did you go about recording ? What style ,too? Such as custom oto or uniform? I know it's overwhelming. But vcv. oto does take longer, that is normal. I could specifically look at your recording folders and oto file if you like


Ruko's Ruffians
Thread starter
I used oremo to record. I used the renzoku NHP reclist, which is a 5-mora setup. I’d appreciate the help! Once I’m done with classes today, I can send you the files.

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